The summer season marks the return of the Interior Savings Moonlight Movie Tour. Grab your neighbours, friends and family for a fun evening under the stars.
For the first time ever, we have more people in Canada who are 65 and over than we do children 15 and under. There has never been a more important time to break down the stigmas surrounding age.
How does a young person achieve their potential when it feels as though the challenges are insurmountable; when they feel lost and disconnected from the world around them? It’s at this time that youth with mental illness are most at risk of falling through the cracks.
The Interior Savings Fat Cat Children’s Festival is back and there’s an exciting new addition to this much-loved festival that you won’t want to miss!
Born out of a devastating event, a local Society in Barriere has spearheaded an innovative project to help support the local economy and create new opportunities for those living in the region.
Being a parent is full of contradictions: joy, frustration, excitement, fear… it covers the full gamut of emotions and we often rely on those around us to help guide us through. But what do you do if you don’t have someone to guide you and offer support? There’s a remarkable program in Kamloops that is making a real difference to local moms.
Last October we launched the Interior Savings’ $10,000 Local Give and asked the question: “What good could you do with $100?” Here’s how six individuals harnessed the power of collaboration to make a difference.
The 69th Annual Interior Savings Across the Lake Swim is back on July 15th, and we’re giving away 4 registrations for this iconic swim.
On the heels of Valentine’s Day and Random Acts of Kindness Week, it seems appropriate to highlight another story from our $10,000 Local Give.
When we invited individuals to tell us what good they could do with $100 back in October, nothing could have prepared us for the response. There were many stand-out stories that lifted our spirits and left our hearts feeling full. Over the coming months we will share with you some of the amazing and heartfelt stories from our $10,000 Local Give. This is the first story.