If you’re looking to purchase your first home or thinking about selling your current home to make an offer on something new and exciting, you may be wondering how much of your budget should go towards a monthly mortgage payment. The answer is both simple and complex — generally speaking, no more than a third of your net income should go to housing costs, but your housing costs involve a lot more than just your mortgage payment. And, some people have unique financial situations that change that ratio. 


Personalized guidance from an expert advisor is always best but in the meantime, here are a few considerations to help you find the right balance for your family. If you have questions or would like to speak to an expert from Interior Savings Credit Union, please contact us. We’d be pleased to hear from you and happy to help.

General guidelines on mortgages, housing costs and your budget

Every person or family’s financial situation is unique and nuanced, so as we mentioned before, personalized advice is key to achieving your goals. Even so, there are some general rules to guide you as you pursue your goal of home ownership or consider a subsequent home purchase.


Ideally, no more than 33% of your net monthly income should go to housing costs. However, your housing costs don’t end with your rent or mortgage payment. Look at the big picture: your house, the mortgage and everything associated with home ownership. For example, it’s important to factor in mortgage insurance, home insurance and property taxes (these bills may be paid monthly or on another schedule). You should also consider home maintenance and utilities as well as unexpected property-related costs, as these expenses will impact your bottom line. And, if you live in a condo, be sure to factor in monthly condo fees. An $1200 mortgage plus a $500 condo fee is a $1700 expense each month, and that needs to be accounted for.


Home ownership is a wonderful feeling, and you don’t want it to create stress. The idea is to get the best possible home within your means in order to avoid feeling ‘house poor’ or running into consumer debt. When you’re aware of your limits and plan within them, you’ll feel more confident in your choices and be able to enjoy more of your discretionary income.

Why personalized advice matters

While the one third rule is a fairly good guideline for the average Canadian, it’s not right for everyone. If you have specific financial goals — for example, saving for a trip or a vacation home, or planning an early retirement — your budget should reflect this. Similarly, if you’re carrying debt, you may need to adjust your monthly budget to include significant interest and/or principal repayment costs. It also matters whether or not you have children or other dependent family members, how secure your household income is and what sort of benefits you have at work. A wealth advisor can help you identify opportunities and challenges while determining how much mortgage you can truly afford.

Contact us to get started

Interior Savings is here with great advice to help you reach your financial goals, but we also offer mortgage solutions that are designed to meet the needs of everyday Canadians. Please visit our website to learn more about mortgage options, or contact a branch in your region. We’re here to help, and look forward to working with you.