With a little knowledge, you can greatly reduce your chance of becoming a victim of computer scams. Here’s what you should know.

You’ve likely seen a commercial or two, but what exactly is a Reverse Mortgage, and how do you know if it’s the right option for you?

Most Canadians won’t want to withdraw the full value of their RRSPs all at once, because they’d be faced with a whopper of an income tax bill. So there’s a financial product designed to be the flipside of an RRSP. It’s called the RRIF: Registered Retirement Income Fund.

Estate Planning and Life Insurance – a topic that every adult needs to think about sooner rather than later; and long before retirement looms. Here are 5 important things you need to know about Estate Planning – which is a good place to start.

No one wants to be a victim of fraud. Not only can it create a big headache but the impact can be felt for years to come. We took the opportunity to sit down with our resident expert to talk about how we can all better protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Take everything you know about yourself financially and put it where you can see it all at once.

On the surface, refinancing your mortgage at a lower interest rate may seem like a great idea. After all, who doesn’t want to save money?! But the truth is refinancing isn’t for everyone.

Rushing into a loan without fully understanding how it will affect your budget can create a very stressful situation that can quickly spiral out of control. The good news is that you can avoid this stress entirely by choosing the loan that’s right for you.

What is a credit score? How is it calculated? What steps can you take to maximize it? Here’s a breakdown of what you should know about credit scores.

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes of your RRSP? Registered Retirement Savings Plans can be a smart tax shelter and crucial future income source so it pays to know how it works.