Your credit score pulls a lot of weight but it can be a source of confusion too, especially with all of the conflicting information out there. We’ve rounded up the 4 most common myths about credit scores and give you the straight facts.

Summer is in full swing and so too vacation time for many. Before you hit the road, check out our 7 travel tips to help you save big.

First-time home buyers are facing some challenging conditions and it’s no wonder that many are not feeling very optimistic about becoming a homeowner. As a parent or grandparent, you want to help but that act of generosity may open up a can of worms that you’d rather keep closed. We have a solution!

Business planning: it can be a daunting process but critical in helping your business succeed. Here’s a step by step guide to creating your plan including some insights into what lenders look for.

A wedding is a time of celebration and for some, a real stretch on the budget. Here’s how to make the most of your celebration without the financial pain.

Sometimes life throws us a curveball. In the case of Lily and George, that curveball came in the form of a snow-covered tree.

There’s a lot to navigate when purchasing your first home but perhaps the first question you should ask yourself is “detached house or condo?” Here’s a handy guide to help you determine which one is the best fit for your needs.

With a little knowledge, you can greatly reduce your chance of becoming a victim of computer scams. Here’s what you should know.

You’ve likely seen a commercial or two, but what exactly is a Reverse Mortgage, and how do you know if it’s the right option for you?

Most Canadians won’t want to withdraw the full value of their RRSPs all at once, because they’d be faced with a whopper of an income tax bill. So there’s a financial product designed to be the flipside of an RRSP. It’s called the RRIF: Registered Retirement Income Fund.