It doesn’t matter what age you are or what stage of life you’re in—investing in yourself can feel like an uphill battle. With rent payments or a mortgage to consider, all of those bills to pay and grocery expenses that seem to go up every month, who has time to think about investing?


But think of it this way: investing is a little like self-care. You have to spend some time taking care of yourself now in order to live well and thrive in the future. Just like you can’t go back in time to spend more hours on fitness and your health, you can’t go back in time to invest in your financial future—and while it’s never too late to start, there’s a distinct advantage to starting early. Here are three simple, achievable ways to invest in yourself starting right now. Please reach out to our team if you’re ready to get started!


Education is an investment that offers a variety of valuable returns: knowledge, critical thinking skills, career opportunities and more. If you’d like to discuss ways to pay for a college or university program, post-grad classes or other skill-enhancing training opportunities, speak to one of our advisors. And remember, if you have children, you’ll also want to invest in their future—ask an Interior Savings advisor about RESPs.

Saving and growing your money

Even the smallest investment will grow over time, so don’t wait—the time to start saving and growing your money is right now. Our advisors can help you balance investing with other elements of your financial plan including debt repayment and your monthly budget. Ask us about TFSAs, RRSPs, FHSAs and other options—we’d be glad to make personalized recommendations that reflect your needs, goals and income.


If you have a family, own a home or have other assets that are worth protecting, speak to an Interior Savings advisor about insurance. Whether you need critical illness insurance, life insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, pet insurance or all of the above, our team is here to help you find affordable coverage that meets your needs. While the best case scenario is that you’ll never need to cash in most of these policies, they offer critical financial security and peace of mind. We also offer travel insurance for those lucky enough to be headed on vacation—bon voyage!


If you have any questions or would like to start investing in your future, please contact us—an Interior Savings advisor would be glad to speak with you and offer personalized financial guidance.